
Dabar rodoma: Vanuatu - Pašto Ženklai (1980 - 2022) - 42 ženklai.

1987 Motor Vehicles

22. sausis WM: 1 Perforacija: 14

[Motor Vehicles, tipas FG] [Motor Vehicles, tipas FH] [Motor Vehicles, tipas FI] [Motor Vehicles, tipas FJ]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
180 FG 20(VT) 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
181 FH 45(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
182 FI 55(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
183 FJ 135(VT) 2,18 - 2,18 - USD  Info
180‑183 4,09 - 4,09 - USD 
[Hurricane Relief Fund - Issue of 1982 Surcharged, and Issues of 1986 Overprinted "Hurricane Relief Fund" and Surtaxed, tipas AS1] [Hurricane Relief Fund - Issue of 1982 Surcharged, and Issues of 1986 Overprinted "Hurricane Relief Fund" and Surtaxed, tipas EM1] [Hurricane Relief Fund - Issue of 1982 Surcharged, and Issues of 1986 Overprinted "Hurricane Relief Fund" and Surtaxed, tipas EN1] [Hurricane Relief Fund - Issue of 1982 Surcharged, and Issues of 1986 Overprinted "Hurricane Relief Fund" and Surtaxed, tipas EO1] [Hurricane Relief Fund - Issue of 1982 Surcharged, and Issues of 1986 Overprinted "Hurricane Relief Fund" and Surtaxed, tipas EP1] [Hurricane Relief Fund - Issue of 1982 Surcharged, and Issues of 1986 Overprinted "Hurricane Relief Fund" and Surtaxed, tipas EQ1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
184 AS1 20/2+10 (VT) 1,63 - 1,63 - USD  Info
185 EM1 20+10 (VT) 1,63 - 1,63 - USD  Info
186 EN1 35+15 (VT) 3,27 - 3,27 - USD  Info
187 EO1 45+20 (VT) 4,36 - 4,36 - USD  Info
188 EP1 55+25 (VT) 5,45 - 5,45 - USD  Info
189 EQ1 100+50 (VT) 8,72 - 8,72 - USD  Info
184‑189 25,06 - 25,06 - USD 
[The 25th Anniversary of I.R.H.O. Coconut Research Station, tipas FQ] [The 25th Anniversary of I.R.H.O. Coconut Research Station, tipas FR] [The 25th Anniversary of I.R.H.O. Coconut Research Station, tipas FS] [The 25th Anniversary of I.R.H.O. Coconut Research Station, tipas FT]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
190 FQ 35(VT) 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
191 FR 45(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
192 FS 100(VT) 1,63 - 1,63 - USD  Info
193 FT 135(VT) 2,18 - 2,18 - USD  Info
190‑193 5,17 - 5,17 - USD 
1987 Fish

15. liepa WM: 2 Perforacija: 14¼

[Fish, tipas FU] [Fish, tipas FV] [Fish, tipas FW] [Fish, tipas FX] [Fish, tipas FY] [Fish, tipas FZ] [Fish, tipas GA] [Fish, tipas GB] [Fish, tipas GC] [Fish, tipas GD] [Fish, tipas GE] [Fish, tipas GF] [Fish, tipas GG] [Fish, tipas GH] [Fish, tipas GI]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
194 FU 1(VT) 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
195 FV 5(VT) 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
196 FW 10(VT) 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
197 FX 15(VT) 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
198 FY 20(VT) 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
199 FZ 30(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
200 GA 35(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
201 GB 40(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
202 GC 45(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
203 GD 50(VT) 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
204 GE 55(VT) 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
205 GF 65(VT) 1,63 - 1,63 - USD  Info
206 GG 100(VT) 2,18 - 2,18 - USD  Info
207 GH 300(VT) 6,54 - 6,54 - USD  Info
208 GI 500(VT) 13,07 - 13,07 - USD  Info
194‑208 30,77 - 30,77 - USD 
1987 Insects

22. rugsėjis WM: 2 Perforacija: 14

[Insects, tipas GJ] [Insects, tipas GK] [Insects, tipas GL] [Insects, tipas GM]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
209 GJ 45(VT) 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
210 GK 55(VT) 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
211 GL 65(VT) 1,63 - 1,63 - USD  Info
212 GM 100(VT) 2,18 - 2,18 - USD  Info
209‑212 5,99 - 5,99 - USD 
1987 Christmas - Christmas Carols

10. lapkritis WM: 1 Perforacija: 13¾ x 14

[Christmas - Christmas Carols, tipas GN] [Christmas - Christmas Carols, tipas GO] [Christmas - Christmas Carols, tipas GP] [Christmas - Christmas Carols, tipas GQ]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
213 GN 20(VT) 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
214 GO 45(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
215 GP 55(VT) 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
216 GQ 65(VT) 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
213‑216 3,27 - 3,27 - USD 
[Royal Ruby Wedding - Issues of 1986 Overprinted "40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY", tipas EM2] [Royal Ruby Wedding - Issues of 1986 Overprinted "40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY", tipas EN2] [Royal Ruby Wedding - Issues of 1986 Overprinted "40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY", tipas EO2] [Royal Ruby Wedding - Issues of 1986 Overprinted "40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY", tipas EP2] [Royal Ruby Wedding - Issues of 1986 Overprinted "40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY", tipas EQ2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
217 EM2 20(VT) 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
218 EN2 35(VT) 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
219 EO2 45(VT) 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
220 EP2 55(VT) 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
221 EQ2 100(VT) 2,18 - 2,18 - USD  Info
217‑221 5,72 - 5,72 - USD 


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